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4. Beulah, The Officers: Peace


When we follow GOD he guides and sets us in his ways of peace. There are times when we may be tempted to act as those who don't live in GOD's protection do, with hate, bullying, violence, greed etc, but in these times, because we remain in daily relationship with GOD and seek his face daily for direction and guidance, he corrects us and gives us insight into ourselves and his truths so we do not fall for these ways and instead continue in our peaceful inertia. There is a short-term gain from oppressing others to get what we want, this is not GOD's way and we will reap the consequence from our ways in GOD's timing and way.

When we are not following GOD we will often act in our own defence and ways of hatred, gossip and slander, violence, chasing money, greed, injustice, oppressing, coercing or manipulating others and so on and we do not receive this correction.

People not listening to GOD seem to get away with it and people following GOD are corrected if we do it. GOD's ways are the ways of peace, being patient, kind, seeking to understand rather than to engineer, manipulate, force or control. The people who choose other ways think that there is no knowledge with GOD, that he doesn't see, hear or know what they do, or regard it as significant.

This may seem unfair, they treat us badly for our good, yet we are pulled up and they seem to go unchecked but we must understand their end.

GOD has set these people in slippery places. He throws them down into destruction in the blink of an eye in his perfect timing. He brings them into desolation and they are then totally consumed with terror. GOD despises what they stand for.

But we remain steady and steadfast in GOD's inertia, our paths remain steady, seamless and even. GOD leads us and navigates us on steadily in safety, holding our hand and directing our steps, plans and purposes. He guides us with his counsel daily and always and on into eternity on his paths. GOD is our strength and we place our trust in GOD and what GOD is saying to us daily.

It is in a persons best interest to draw near to GOD and put their trust in GOD, our Source and Creator and submit to the wisdom and enforcement of HIS ways and all HE says to us daily.


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